Tag Archives: nourishment

Holiday Nourishment

With school holidays finally here, families are relaxing or getting ready for a trip away and those still working appreciate the lighter traffic and general ‘quietness’ that comes with holidays.  Autumn brings a breathing out for all of us and we look towards those activities we’ve been wanting to learn or do but haven’t had the time.   Finally we get the chance to find a great book to read or a new jigsaw for the table for everyone to help with, time for games and laughter, for creating with crafts of all sorts, drawing and painting, days full of imaginative play or time to gently enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of our shop with a cuppa and handmade organic delights.

Workshops for Term 2

Tree alone As the cooler Autumn mornings begin to turn your attention inward to the gentle task of creating, where will you begin?  With new inspiration sent by changeable weather, with memories picked up from unfinished projects, longing to be completed or will you look within to see what new perspectives you can discover there.  Where will you begin?

This term we offer you a sprinkling of workshops, from a free Creative Morning to a knitting workshop beginning with the humble square, soft pastel drawings: looking at ‘the tree’ in all of us and a talk on resilience, in you and your family.   For full information see our workshop page.

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Sphagni – protecting and supporting

More and more often we hear from people who are looking for support and help in their everyday lives for themselves, their children, their families and friends.  With feelings of a world pressing in on us and so much over stimulation we look for relief.  A product we always recommend is Sphagni.  Wearing Sphagni provides a boundary and feels like you are covered in a special membrane, filtering external circumstances, stimuli and experiences.  Sphagni is blended with plant oil emulsions each adding their own unique assisting qualities:  Rose, Lavendulae, Santili (Sandalwood), Hyperici, Rosemary, Citri and Eucalypti.

For more information see our Sphagni page.


How do you celebrate Christmas?

How do you celebrate Christmas in your family?  When you become parents, you get an opportunity to think about this in a different way.  What traditions from your own childhood do you carry forward?  Are there things you want to do differently?  It dawns on you that you are creating your children’s memories – and the urge to make Christmas special and meaningful burns brightly.

Getting together with family – sharing food and gifts and time together – feature in most people’s picture.  Can we call this ‘honey time’? Time that is sweet and fluid and oh so nourishing.

But it’s not all sweetness and light, is it? It can turn out to be a very stressful time of the year.   Getting together with family often opens old wounds and there are so many things happening at this time of year that it can get a bit much: the school year finishes, summer holidays need to be prepared for, office parties, neighbourhood gatherings, Christmas cards to send, baking and gift buying… It can be a time of contradictions.

Here at The Honeyclock, we wish for you some sweet honey time.  Relaxed, stress-free, uncomplicated.  Some time to connect with your dear ones and nourish yourself.  We wish for you a lovely break!

And, if you’re still not quite ready for Christmas or stocked up on your Dr Hauschka or cleaning needs for the three weeks we will be closed, pop in to The Honeyclock this week and see us!  Our latest newsletter  gives you a brief overview of our shop and some of what we have to offer you this Christmas…

Christmas Workshops

November has arrived! Suddenly, our Christmas-oriented workshops make sense! A little contemplation & creative activity now can make all the difference to the Christmas mood in your home. We have an interesting array of workshops to stir your thoughts and your hands whether it be cards & gifts to give away, decorations to keep & treasure, or traditions that will build a sense of anticipation towards Christmas Day & beyond.  Check out what we have to offer on our Workshops page & book your place by calling us now!Related articles- A Meaningful Christmas (thehoneyclock.com.au)

pastel drawing workshop – week 1

Week 1 of Landscapes & Skyscapes with Lesley Cotter saw us working with shavings of chalk pastels.  We rubbed blue with a cotton ball to create the negative space of clouds. Creating soft wisps of nothingness in the peaceful atmosphere of The Honeyclock was a delightfully relaxing way to spend a Saturday afternoon… Then we added rose pink and a touch of lemon to the clouds, before grounding our pictures (and ourselves) with Prussian blue. Finally, a glow of lemon into the blue base brought the harmony of green.  A little bit tricky in parts, but a great start to learning a new technique! Thank you Lesley… Places are still available for the remaining 3 weeks.  If you are inspired by this reviewer’s experience, call us on 9434 1944…

A Meaningful Christmas

How do we create a meaningful mood at Christmas amidst the commercialism of today’s society?  Our workshops this term are aimed at helping you to create something special in your own home, whether it is by building a mood of anticipation through an Advent tradition; by creating your own decorations for your home; or by making your own cards and gifts to give away.  We have felting, pastel drawing, embroidery, paper silhouettes and storytelling workshops for you.  Our experienced workshop leaders will guide you to find the Christmas you want for your home.  For details go to our Workshop Page



Coffee nook space is now visible

Our coffee nook space is now revealed
 and hopefully will be up and running in the next few weeks.

Stay posted….